Pharaoh includes a much more in-depth and expansive tutorial than that seen in Caesar 3: instead of introducing every mechanic within the space of two missions, the tutorial is expanded across the first two campaigns, with the basic city building in the "Predynastic Period" and more advanced city building in the "Archaic Period".

The game begins in the Predynastic Period and ends in the New Kingdom, charting the many achievements of Egypt over time, including the construction of capital cities (like Men-Nefer), many monuments (the Stepped Pyramid of Saqqara, for example) and fighting ancient empires and even battling in the Civil War of the Middle Kingdom. Like in Caesar 3 before it, the player begins as a low-ranked person, the Village Elder and progresses through the ranks to reach the ultimate position of power: the Pharaoh. The monument-building mechanic continued into all future city builders, but in alternate methods. The game introduced the concept of monument building for the first time, marking a major gameplay addition that was not seen previously. As such, many features and additions to Pharaoh were unique to the game, such as flood plains, which were not seen in any future release. Pharaoh follows the historical path of the Ancient Egyptians and the large empire that they created in Egypt.